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Lighthouse Counseling Solutions
Lighthouse Counseling Solutions
Individual Counseling
Individual Therapy

What is Individual Counseling?

Individual counseling is a joint process between a therapist and a person in therapy. Common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve quality of life. People may seek individual psychotherapy for help with issues that are hard to face alone. This can help people overcome obstacles to their well-being. It can also increase positive feelings, such as compassion and self-esteem. People in therapy can learn skills for handling difficult situations, making healthy decisions, and reaching goals.
Counseling for individuals is a great path for those who struggle with self-esteem and self-worth. Believe it or not, how you view yourself is everything. It determines what you attract into your life. Your self-worth determines the treatment you're willing to accept from others, what you're willing to put up with, and the behaviors in which you are willing to partake. When someone truly loves, values, and cares for themselves, it shows. When someone does not love, value, or care for themselves, it also shows and these negative thoughts and emotions manifest in a variety of areas of life. Luckily, you can change these into positive ones.

Discover Your Worth With Individual Psychotherapy

The reality is that no matter who you are or where you come from, you are enough. You are valuable, and you have worth. Many people don't realize this or understand this. However, this is where individual psychotherapy and its effectiveness enter the equation and does so much good for people who are struggling with these issues. With effective treatment from individual counseling sessions, your therapist can suggest various exercises and changes that can help you improve your emotions and how you see yourself and change your thinking and behavior patterns from all of the modern psychotherapy and there out there.
Believe it or not, your levels of self-esteem can be largely impacted by the people with whom you choose to associate with. If you are frequently in contact with toxic individuals, over time, this can negatively impact your emotions and feelings of self-worth. By taking individual therapy and counseling sessions, you can learn how to evaluate whether your circle is conducive to your health as a person. If it's not, then, with different therapeutic approaches, you can learn various steps that can help you find a new circle and feel better about who you are.

Take Counseling For Individuals To Regain Focus In Life

Helping patients regain focus in their lives is another common theme of this type of counseling for individuals and a goal of all therapists. Losing focus is dangerous because it can prompt people to neglect critical areas of their lives, such as family, work, or other commitments. When other issues begin to cloud these areas of life, the person is in danger because their foundation is under attack. Having a strong, robust foundation is imperative, particularly when someone is facing issues, concerns, and challenges in life.
If you feel like you are losing focus in your life, or even starting to experience moderate depression and anxiety, because of it, it's important not to beat yourself up. This will only make matters worse. The good news is that acknowledging the issue at hand is the first step towards solving it. Someone unable to identify the existence of an issue is going to struggle with solving it. If you feel as though you are losing focus in life or even beginning to lose focus and it’s causing negative feelings and emotions, there is no shame in scheduling your first individual therapy session and getting advice, help, and input from a trained professional who can help you change your life.


What is the purpose of Individual Therapy Sessions?

The primary goal of individual therapy is to increase understanding of one's thoughts and behavior patterns to help increase function and well-being. In therapy, people can learn how to effectively manage stress, interpersonal difficulties, and troubling situations. Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired change.


Individual counseling for adults regularly aids and guides people who may be losing focus on the things that matter most in life. In many cases, this focus is regained by working with a therapist who can listen to them, provide great professional advice, and then suggest solutions that may be of value. By having these tools in their arsenal, the patient can then implement what they have learned from their good therapy sessions, regain focus, become more self-aware, and ultimately improve the quality of their lives through all of the positive effects of getting psychotherapy. Even short-term therapy can make a difference in this regard and people can still potentially experience meaningful personal growth rather quickly, sometimes in as little as a few weeks.
















What are the advantages of individual counseling for adults?


Through individual counseling, patients can improve skills related to respect, confidence, and empathy. 


  • Coping Skill Development - Individuals grappling with mental health disorders find themselves challenged by their symptoms, which can sometimes result in the emergence of unhealthy behaviors. The decision to fully engage in counseling lies with the individual. When this commitment is made, a multitude of advantages can unfold.


  • Improving Self-Awareness - Counseling in this manner helps to address thought patterns and feelings that may precede the onset of negative behaviors. For example, some people may learn to become mindful of what they think and how they respond to stress and challenging circumstances. By recognizing what’s happening at that moment, a person can change negative thoughts to avoid poor behaviors that lead to addiction.


  • Improved Communication Skills - It’s essential to express feelings and needs in a meaningful manner. During individual counseling, a person learns how to do this in a more impactful way. Through individual therapy, patients can improve skills related to respect, confidence, and empathy.


  • Coping Skill Development - Often, those who have mental health disorders struggle with their symptoms. This often leads to the development of poor behaviors. For example, a person may struggle with anxiety and turn to drugs to help calm them. Instead, this type of counseling teaches healthy coping skills like self-soothing and acceptance.


  • Self-Observation - Another way to use this counseling method is as a method of exploring personal beliefs, goals, and values. It is essential to define what makes a person unique in their own manner. By better understanding oneself, a person can explore new opportunities while also having more confidence.


  • Wider range of perspective - Often, addiction and mental health lead a person to have a tarnished or inaccurate view of the world around them, of themselves, and their future. During counseling, it’s possible to get back to a new place with a fresh perspective. This can help to overcome challenges related to depression, substance use, and relationships.


When is it best to seek counseling for individuals?

It could be time to seek therapy if an issue causes distress or interferes with daily life. Distress can mean negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors, or even a bodily sensation such as pain or fatigue. It is important not to wait until symptoms become severe before going to therapy. 


It may be best to seek therapy if you are often unhappy or feel overwhelmed and hopeless about issues in your life. Therapy can also help if you cannot focus on work or school, experience addiction, or feel like hurting yourself or someone else. Some people may avoid treatment, and there are many reasons for this. 


Some of these reasons include:


  • Worry about the stigma that can come with mental health care

  • Feelings of shame when speaking about past hurts

  • Not wanting to acknowledge that anything is wrong

  • Fear that discussions in treatment will not stay confidential

  • Money issues


However, statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) show mental health issues are common in the United States. In fact, 1 in 5 adults may be affected. It may help to remember that therapists are trained professionals who provide support and maintain confidentiality. They are used to helping people work through painful or embarrassing issues with different types of therapies. Some therapists also offer sliding scale fees or other financial assistance to people in need. And, although the stigma surrounding mental health can still come up, more people are becoming comfortable with talking about their mental health options with those they trust.


A trained therapist can help people make lifestyle changes. They can also help identify underlying causes of symptoms and provide strategies for changing unwanted thoughts and behaviors. Therapy can equip people with the skills to manage symptoms, reduce stress, and improve their quality of life. 


What Can Individual Psychotherapy Help With?


Therapy can help treat:


  • Mental, emotional, physical, and behavioral issues. 

  • Anxiety, Stress

  • Food and eating issues

  • Anger, Relationship, or Marriage challenges 

  • Addiction/ Abuse

  • Family issues

  • Insomnia

  • Sexuality


What To Expect During Online Individual Therapy


The first session of online therapy often focuses on gathering information. A therapist speaks with the person in treatment about their past physical, mental, and emotional health. They also discuss the concerns of bringing the person to therapy. It can take a few sessions for a therapist to have a good understanding of the situation. Only then can they address concerns and determine the best course of action.


One of the objectives of online individual therapy is to help the patient open up to their therapist in a comforting environment. Individual therapy can take two different forms – psychodynamic psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences. In psychodynamic psychotherapy, the therapist encourages the patient to discuss their personal problems freely, without any inhibitions. 


The aim of CBT is to equip the patient with the necessary skills required to face their fears, solve everyday problems, cope with negative emotions, calm their mind and body, and recognize distorted thoughts. Anyone can benefit from individual therapy. Other problems individual therapy can help with include eating disorders, sleeping problems, and intimacy problems. (Good Therapy 2018)


What is the cost of getting therapy?


Individual therapy sessions could be expensive for some people, but health insurance providers cover most of the cost or the full cost of each therapy session.  Depending on the insurance, individuals who are seeking therapy just need to provide their health insurance information and we can help you to find out if your insurance covers mental health or also known as behavior health. Ask us if you have any questions regarding setting up an appointment


Individual Counseling
Mental State of mind
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